Life Well-Lived with Regina Topelson
Cancer is life's great disrupter, it is also a powerful teacher. My guests and I will help you walk this journey with confidence and emerge healthier, as the best version of yourself. You'll learn the best way to take care of yourself through nutrition, physical activity, stress reduction, relationships, and social networks, environmental factors, and a mindset of calm and courage. Have a topic you'd like me to cover? Go to and send me a message! A new episode will be released every second and fourth Thursday of the month.
Life Well-Lived with Regina Topelson
Creating Spaces You Love
Regina Topelson, RDN, CLT: Dietitian Nutritionist, Cancer Survivor, Health Champion
Episode 54
The spaces we live and work in are so meaningful to us. They can help us be more productive or suck the energy right out of us. I've been thinking about the elements that go into designing a space I love for a few years. Longer than the pandemic has been around. And no matter what else is or isn't in the room, the one thing I know I love is a room with a lot of light. So I hope after listening to this episode, you give your spaces some thought and find out what brings you joy in those spaces and places.
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